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授权级别:普通授权与委托 作品类别:话剧剧本-英语话剧 字数:  编辑:suyu   编辑评分: 3
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小品大全网专业代写各种小品、相声剧本。电话:电话:13715619157 QQ:870671008






Angel: A chief broadcaster.

Anny: A primary school girl who had called so much in order to look for her mother.

Anny’s father

Anny’s teacher

Anny’s classmates

Divide the stage into two parts.

On the left: Children’s ward, a chair, some flowers.

On the right: A desk, a chair, a lamp, some books.


(The phone is ringing)

Old woman: Hello!你好!

Anny(怯生生地): Hello, I, I want mum. Is that mum?你好!妈妈在吗?我想要妈妈听电话.

Old woman: Oh, I’m granny. I’m not mum.噢.我是granny,不是妈妈.

Anny: I’m sorry.不好意思


A young woman: Hello!你好

Anny(怯生生地): Hello! I want mum. Is that mum?你好.我想要妈妈听电话.是妈妈吗?

Young woman: Are you joking? I’m not married.你在开玩笑吧.我还没有结婚


Angel: Hello!你好

Anny(鼓起勇气): I want mum. Is that mum?我想要妈妈听电话.是妈妈吗?

Angel: Who’s that speaking?谁在那边?

Anny: I’m Anny, your Anny.我是Anny,你的Anny

Angel: Anny?(充满疑惑)。(略为思索后,用母亲的声调)Where are you? Anny? 你在哪儿?ANNY

Anny(仿佛遇见母亲,忍不住哭起来): Mum,(哭声,欲语泪先流,又猛然惊觉)Mum, mum, I’m not crying.妈妈,妈妈,我没哭

Angel(安慰地,担心地): You are a nice little girl.你是一个很好的姑娘

Anny: Mum, why don’t you come to see me? Dad says you will come back if I am well behaved. Mum, don’t you miss me?妈妈,你为什么不来看我?爸爸说,如果我表现好,你就会回来的.妈妈,难道你不想我吗?

Angel(慈爱地): Of course, I do. I do miss you?想的,我很想你

Anny: Really? 真的吗

Angel: Yes. I miss you so much.是的 我非常想你

Anny: Mummy!妈妈

Angel: En…恩

Anny: Mummy!妈妈

Angel: Yes?是的


(Angel 慈爱地笑,心略有所安)

Anny(突然又哭了): But mummy, why don’t you come back? I’m ill. 但是妈妈,你为什么还不回来?我生病了

Angel(关切地): Anny, where are you? Tell me, where are you?Anny,你在哪儿?告诉我,你在哪儿?

Anny: Mummy, I’m in hospital now. I felt pain, but I didn’t cry. Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl. Then you won’t come back. Mummy, can you come back to see me? I’m waiting for you with no tears.我现在在医院.我感到很痛,但我没哭.爸爸说哭的女孩不是好女孩.然后你就不会回来.妈妈,你能来看我吗?我会不哭,等你的

Angel: Anny, I’m, I’m not… Oh, yes, mummy will come back to see you(Dad推门入,见Anny在打电话,连忙夺过)Anny 我是,我不是....哦 是的,妈妈将来看你

Dad: I’ve told you not to call anybody else.我告诉过你不要给别人打电话

(对着电话)Sorry, I’m really sorry. The child has disturbed you.对不起,真对不起.小孩打扰您好

Angel: Never mind. I’m a mother, too. I understand her. May I know the truth?没关系.我也是一位母亲.我了解她.我可以知道事情的真相吗?

Dad: Eh…, her mum isn’t here. So she called and called.呃, 她的妈妈不在这儿.所以她不停地打电话

Angel: Where’s Anny’s mother? You divorced?那她的妈妈在哪儿?你离婚了?

Dad: No, no. I hope she would come back. But…不,不.我希望她能回来.但是

Angel: You don’t trust in me? I’m Angel, the chief broadcaster of the hot line.你不相信我?我是Angel.热线的主播

Dad(回头看Anny): Then, I’ll tell you the truth some other day.好的,以后我会告诉你真相的

Angel:All right.好的


On the left: Anny’s sitting room.

On the right: Anny’s classroom.



Dad: Anny’s mum passed away in a tracffic accident six years ago. She told me to hide the truth. This is the letter for Anny.Anny的妈妈在6年前车祸中去世了.她叫我隐瞒事实.这是给Anny的信


Teacher: Children, in this class. Let’s enjoy Anny’s composition “A letter to mummy”.孩子们,在这个班级,让我们一起欣赏ANNY的作文,给妈妈的一封信

(Angel, Anny同时,时空错接,音乐起)

Angel: Anny, my dearest baby!ANNY 我亲爱的孩子

Anny: Mummy, my dearest mummy!妈妈,我亲爱的妈妈

Angel: When we played hide and seek, I was found easily.当我们玩捉迷藏时,我总是亲易地被找到

Anny: When we played hide and seek, I could found you easily.当我们玩捉迷藏时,我总是亲易地被找到

Angel: But this time, you can’t find me.但是这次,你不能找到我

Anny: But this time, I can’t find you.但是这次,我不能找到你

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